Black Love Project

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Back in the Day: The Arrest of Sekou Odinga

sekou[audio mp3=""][/audio] On October 23, 1981 Sekou Mgbozi Abdullah Odinga was arrested for the attempted murder of a police officer. He was later charged and convicted for the liberation of Assata Shakur and attempted murder of a police officer, given forty (40) and twenty five (25) years to life, respectively. He has been imprisoned since and is not eligible for parole until 2033. Sekou is responsible for bringing the Black Panther Party to the Bronx, New York in 1968, which implemented various programs to the benefit of poor and working class black families.I do not have cable in my apartment, so Twitter has been my go to source to discover what is occurring, particularly in Ferguson, Missouri. There has been rampant media coverage of international protests, from Ferguson to Hong Kong. Younger generations have often been accused of lacking in revolutionary spirit, yet lately there seems to be a growing consciousness and action throughout the youth of the world. The Revolution Will Not Televised begins with the line, "You will not be able to stay home brother, you will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out." and how true that is becoming. Twitter has been pivotal in keeping us informed of what is occurring, yet the real work is to be done in the streets and from the people and that is keeping in the spirits of Sekou. We cannot forget our true revolutionaries, those who do not receive media coverage and are hidden under the unjust political system of this country.

Black people will be in the street looking for a brighter day, the revolution will not be televised.

All of us have a duty to respect the existence of Sekou, as it is he and countless of other men and women who have sacrificed their freedom for our benefit. Sekou believes so much in the freedom of his people that he forfeited his ability to live as a free man for that cause. There are currently seventeen members of the Black Panther Party who are collectively serving more than eight hundred years in prison. It is important to understand that we do not need television to support and remember those who have given their lives for our existence. It is important for us to carry that revolution in our actions and thoughts, as so many have done before us.Let us remember the following brothers and sisters who are imprisoned for fighting for the sovereign existence of black people.Comrades Currently Imprisoned:Sundiata Acoli, Jamil Al-Amin, Herman Bell, Veronza Bowers, Romaine 'Chip' Fitzgerald, Robert Seth Hayes, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Mendo We Langa, Ruchelle 'Cinque' Magee, Abdullah Majid, Jalil Muntaqim, Sekou Odinga, Hugo 'Yogi' Pinell, Ed Poindexter, Kamau Sadiki, Mutulu Shakur, Russell 'Maroon' Shoatz, Albert WoodfoxIf you'd like to discover more ways to support Sekou, please visit the following sites:Web:SekouOdinga.comVia Mail:The Sekou Odinga Defense CommitteePO Box 380-122Brooklyn, New York 11238718.512.5008Via Email:info@SekouOdinga.comYou may also write to directly to Sekou:Sekou Odinga#09A3775Clinton CF, PO Box 2001,Dannemora, NY 12929Song: The Revolution Will Not Be TelevisedArtist: Gil Scott-HeronAlbum: Small Talk at 125th and LenoxReleased: 1970Writer: Gil Scott-Heron