Love Poems: Ghost Man of Him a Lay Us
Oh Mr. Renaissance ManSo full of talents and qualitiesWisdom beyond this ageYou travel across seas to understand your artistryYou perform to healYou write to releaseAnd I get itFor I travel across landsI write to healI perform to releaseI understand youMr. RenaissanceYour artistic sensibilitiesYour passionate reflectionsWhat beautiful creationsto be moldedif we joined forcesRenaissance woman and Renaissance mancreating andfeelingand lovingoh yes lovingwhere our wordsinterlock and changepeople's hearts and mindsbeginning with usfor we would mold and changeeach other dailyyet this unionis just a fantasysuch sensitive artistic soulscan't pairfor we too oftensearch for somethingsomething to fill usand i would love to say we couldfill that for each otherMr. Renaissanceyet i'm scared to trythe renaissance woman i amjust keeps silentso we find other compatible counterpartsthat are just enough to appease usbut can never fullygrasp our beautybut the beauty lives insideand maybe one daywhen your travels across seasmeet my travels across landswe'll seethe renaissancereborn- Bridgette Burton (Stone Mountain, Georgia)